Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Holiday Weekend Success

I had a great Labor Day weekend. Jamie left on 1st for NY. He wont' be home until 9/15. This will give me a great start on my workouts and eating plans.

This weekend was nice. Friday, Me and my friend Michele met to work on some letters. I did out last name and plan to hang it in our foyer. I was pleased with how they turned out.

Saturday my mom and I joined Weight Watchers. Our meeting our Saturday morning at 8am. After the meeting we went to the gym and I burned 453 calories.

Saturday afternoon I went to a card class at Scrapbook Castle . I made a total of 4 cards and they turned out really cute.

Saturday night we went to my parents for a BBQ. Totally healthy foods...no worries!!!

Sunday was I did laundry and Jamie packed for his trip. We also went out to dinner with a few friends.

Monday I took Jamie to airport and lounged.

Friday, August 29, 2008


I have made a decision in my life: I will loose 64.8 pounds. This time it’s going to be for me. I (like so many other people) have tried to loose weight and have failed. I’m finally sick and tired of being sick and tired.

No if, and, or buts FG…I WILL DO THIS!!!

I want to be healthier, lower my cholesterol, feel strong, run a 5K, shop in “normal” section of clothing stores, feel sexy, and be a better wife, daughter, granddaughter, cousin, and friend.

In the last year I have accomplished so much in my life. I started back to school and will graduate with my bachelor’s in Management Information Systems in December. I started a new job in August that is in the IT field. In January, I will start my MBA. I finally feel like things are starting to look up for me.

I worked at local bank for 5 years prior to getting my new job. I had such a dead end job and I didn’t realize how unhappy I was until I finally left.

Currently, I extremely happy with my life in terms of what I have accomplished in the last 12 months but my weight makes me sick. I have been with PNP for a while now and I have silently watched so many girls go from fat to phat. I am supper happy for them but at the same time I’m also jealous because I want to be like them. It finally hit me that I’m the ONLY one who can make this happen. I can’t just sit around and feel sorry for myself and expect thing to change.

At my new job the dress code is extremely casual; this is the total opposite of a bank dress code. While cleaning out my closet, I discovered that none of my causal clothes fit. Talk about depressing, I have 6 plastic tubs of summer clothes that do not fit!!!!

FG is my worst enemy and she running around crazy in my head. Action is only thing that will shut her up and eventually get her out of my head.

I have accepted the fact that I will need in this journey. While I understand only my action will make this happen, I will also need support from my family and friends.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cinco de Mayo=Success

I’m happy to report that Cinco de Mayo was a success!!!!! We did not go out to celebrate. I was kinda sad but I know that was the best choice!!

Tonight I will officially start my C25K training. I’m nervous because I’m not a runner. Say a prayer for me!!!

Yesterday food was on target. I went to the store last night and picked up a few things. I’m going to re-work my menu for this week.

Jamie & I are leaving for Vegas on Sunday. Tonight I plan to get my menu put together and make my list for the store. I have never taken food with me on vacation so this is something totally new.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I have one more final on Wednesday and I’m sooo ready to be finished for a couple of weeks!!! I’m taking one summer class so I will not be nearly as stressed out.

Since I’m graduating in December, I’ve been on the hunt for a job in my field. I will have my bachelor’s in Management Information Systems. I have applied for several internships and I actually have an interview with Ameren in St. Louis on May 1st. Ameren is the local power company in our area and their headquarters’ are in downtown St. Louis. The position I’m interviewing for is an application developer. It’s not an internship but an actual entry-level position. I’m really nervous so wish me luck!!!

I had a good weekend; the in-laws were in town so I ran all weekend!!

My exercise has seriously been lacking. Once my last final is over I know it will improve. Time seems to be my biggest culprit.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day One

I have decided to jump into the 21st century and start a blog!! My fellow PNP peeps have inspired me....I read their blogs daily and I thought what the heck I will give this a try.

I'm a 27 year old wife, full time student, and full time employee. I love everything about my life expect for me. I'm currently at my highest weight and 213 pounds and I feel miserable. My weight and self-esteem is affecting every aspect of my life and it has to stop. I was always a normal weight until I went away to college and things got of control. I gained the freshman and 15 for like 7 years!!!!

In April 2007 I joined Phit-n-Phat. I never really got started. So, here I sit 1 year later and I'm heavier than the day I started.

I still with PNP and I have a new workout schedule and new team so watch out because I'M DOING THIS!!!!

About Me

Illinois, United States
I'm a 27 year old wife and working women!!! I'm also a full time college set to graduate in December 2008 and I cannot wait!!! My husband and I were married in January 2006. No kids yet but they are in our future. I started this blog to track my daily thoughts while on my fitness journey. My goal is to change my lifestlye, incorporate daily exercise, and loose 50 lbs.